Hohenheim performed human transmutation on his son, which, in turn, failed and produced Envy, the first-ever Homunculus. first Sig sees this and punches Hohenheim before checking on Izumi's condition. As Number 23 mops the floor in his master's laboratory, a creature in a flask addresses him. Hohenheim then asks why Trisha died, and Edward replies that it's because of the hardships he made her go through by leaving her. Father- The creator of the Homunculi is also a Homunculus himself, brought into being 400 years prior to the events of the FMA manga and 2009 anime. As the battle continued, Hohenheim continued to counter all of Homunculus's attacks while Homunculus countered all of the attacks of the assembled alchemists. Van Hohenheim (ヴァン・ホーエンハイム, Van Hōenhaimu) is the oldest and most powerful alchemist in the world. Fullmetal Alchemist Database Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. In the manga, Hohenhei… Some of the names of the souls he addresses in Chapter 97 include the people he called out to after returning from the Doors. After the battle Hohenheim, having been reduced to a single soul - his own - offered to use it and end his own life to restore Al to his body, but Ed refused and gave up his own ability to use alchemy in order to restore Al. He looks just like Van Hohenheim but has no love for humans, as Van Hohenheim does. As a teenager, Hohenheim was ill-tempered and prideful for a slave, reacting angrily to insults made by the original Houmunculus. They are still getting to that, but there seems to be a "Father" who made all the homunculus and they refer to him as father (Greed was destroyed by him and remade later). The only woman he loved was his wife. When Edward's soul was sent there by Dante, he learns about Hohenheim's past. "I can't fight against the Dwarf and the seven sins by myself. An assumption rendered even more plausible knowing that Hohenheim left his family 10 years before the s… Van Hohenheim, a human, unknowingly assisted Homunculus (the Dwarf in the Flask), in using the population of Xerxes to fill his own body with thousands of souls, while giving The Dwarf the false human body we see as Father. Fullmetal Alchemist Hohenheim questions why Edward hates him so much, and Edward only tells him that he would knock him out if he were not in front of Trisha's grave at the moment. Normal functioning human beings who are victims of a transmutation ritual. Very little is shown of the nation of ancient Xerxes, but the people's manner of dressing is reminiscent both of the Ishbalans (though they physically resemble Amestrians) and of Father's way of dressing in the present. The souls used were most likely people he once knew in his youth in Xerxes, who died for his and Homunculus's bodies. Van Hohenheim. As he grew older, he controlled his anger more. As a youth, he was the twenty-third house slave of a renowned alchemist in the King of Xerxes' personal employ and was known simply as "23". Hohemheim then reveals to Homunculus that he had a backup plan involving a few souls from his stone. voiced Some of that gets used up over the centuries, but it's probably safe to say they still have most of it. He was of similar character as well, with a hair-trigger temper and considerable pride. When he is returned to the dead land of Xerxes, he encounters Homunculus, who has crafted a copy of Hohenheim's body to inhabit for itself. Hohenheim then returned to Resembool to visit Trisha's grave one last time, where he died with a smile on his face and was buried in a grave next to her. He is shown to be an extremely powerful alchemist, possibly the strongest in the series, showcasing his talents in transmuting light (hence his nickname) in episode 44, "Hohenheim of Light". He is also more muscular in the manga than his anime counterpart. As they head home, Hohenheim notes that Edward is like him when he was young. Then, he was called the Dwarf in the Flask, otherwise known as Homunculus. As a sign of gratitude, the homunculus gives him the name Theophratus Bombastus Van Hohenheim, but it was shortened to Van Hohenheim for 23's own "convenience". But once he found out that Dante had her eyes set on his sons, he emerged to face her, only to be immobilized by the Homunculus Sloth, who bore a striking resemblance to his late wife Trisha, and was consequently sent into the Gate, where his mind, body, and soul were separated. After the incident in Xerxes, he was plunged into despair, as he realized what his actions had done to the people around him. Regretting what he had done to his son, Hohenheim fled, leaving Dante a fragment of the Stone. However, Hiromu Arakawa, the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist, was for a long time very ambiguous about whether Hohenheim somehow was "Father." His sense of duty is also great enough that he continued to work to prevent Father from achieving his goals. Hohenheim by Hiromu Arakawa The character of Hohenheim is seemingly inspired by Phillip von Hohenheim, a Renaissance Swiss alchemist and early scientist who later adopted the name Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim and the sobriquet Paracelsus. He tends to make cryptic statements and occasionally test other people's character. He is an extremely powerful alchemist, second to none, having access to the unlimited power of the Stone, and, having been studying for several hundred years, is probably an exceedingly learned one as well. Hohenheim disagrees with Edward's answer, and believes that the real reason why his sons burned their house down is because they wanted to cover up their mistake, and they did not want to remember what they have done. [8], ch20 pg12; ch40 pg33-40; ch42 pg3-16; ch46 pg2; ch54 pg20; ch75 pg27; ch76; ch78; ch80; ch81; ch82; ch85; ch88; ch91 pg 35-37; ch96 pg32-; ch97 pg6-; ch108 pg35, Alchemical Mastery: ch67 pg35; ch75 pg30-32; ch78 pg14-16 pg18-20; ch88 pg23-25; ch96 pg35-40; ch105 pg8. He then heads downstairs and asks Pinako why nobody scolded Edward and Alphonse for performing a Human Transmutation. The souls of the people of Amestris subsequently returned to their bodies. He also wears spectacles over his golden eyes, though whether or not he needs them is unknown. [1] He then heads over to the Rockbell home, informing Pinako Rockbell that his house is gone. Hohenheim remarks that he wouldn't know a good way to scold them. As a sign of gratitude, the homunculus gives him the name Theophratus Bombastus Van Hohenheim, but it was shortened to Van Hohenheim for 23's own "convenience". Though content in his lowly position, without freedom, any knowledge of the world or even a name, the youth's life would change dramatically in his mid-teen years when his master chose him for a particular … Later, Hohenheim renounces ever truly loving Dante, stating Trisha Elric as the only woman he ever truly loved. Hohenheim prepares to leave the next day, and tells Pinako that it's fine if Edward doesn't bid him goodbye, as he would be late for the train. Hohenheim then appears at the Rockbell residence, where Pinako introduces him as Ed and Al's father. In Chapter 74, Hohenheim's complete past was revealed. Therefore he has a body similar to the body of "Father," the creator of the seven Homunculi. “Father” was originally a homunculus in the flask before he got his human form. Hohenheim is relieved with her answer and then tells her to hold still. His form is an imitation of the human Van Hoenheim. However, Hohenheim still deeply loved his family, as he was once overwhelmed by emotion during a family photoshoot, and mourned his wife's death. He is deeply connected to the primary antagonist, Father, and plays an essential part in taking him down. Lastly, the homunculus tells Hohenheim that it can give him knowledge. In episode 50, "Death", it is revealed that Hohenheim's stolen bodies rot more quickly every time he takes a new one. In his youth, he was a slave called "Number 23". He also was instrumental in the development of the creation of Alkahestry in the country of Xing. When Hohenheim returns to Resembool, he discovers that his house has been burned down, encounters a very hostile Edward in front of Trisha's grave, and plants the suggestion that the creature Ed and Al created when attempting to resurrect Trisha might not have even been a bad copy of her, but something quite unrelated. Pinako is surprised to see him return, and he apologizes for scaring her and Den. But this was all a ploy. The Paracelsus Van Hohenheim in Fate Grand Order is based on a renowned physician of the same name who turned into an alchemist during the 16th century. He has an instantly self-regenerating body and describes himself as 'the Philosopher's stone given the form of a man'. Hohenheim then asks Pinako if she disposed the remains of the Human Transmutation. Homunculus introducing himself to Van Hohenheim. Pinako tells him that she did, and Hohenheim then asks her if it was really Trisha that they made. Homunculus then counterattacked, distracting Hohenheim by giving the souls of Hohenheim's dead former friends bodies. In the manga continuity, Hohenheim is a human who just happens to hold a philosopher's stone of significant size: If Van Hohenheim is a living Philosopher's Stone, what does that make Edward and Alphonse? Though he is given a vastly different background and representation between the manga and the first animated series, there remain a few similarities: he is a brilliant and well-known alchemist, he abandoned his sons and their mother, Trisha, several years before the start of either series, and Edward holds a grudge against Hohenheim for abandoning his mother, which he believes contributed to her death. relatives Much to both Sig and Izumi's surprise, she states that not only is fine, but she can now breathe easier. In the movie, Hohenheim doesn't appear very often, save for a couple of pivotal scenes. He wore gray clothing during his time as a slave. Then on, Hohenheim … Homunculus teaches Hohenheim reading, writing and basic alchemy. 75] One of the bandits decides to hold the passengers at gunpoint, but Hohenheim tries to persuade him to not kill them. series The young man who would later go on to be known as Van Hohenheim grew up during the 15th century in the capital of the ancient and advanced country of Xerxes. Since then, he has been making friends with the many souls of the Xerxes citizens trapped within him. Paracelsus credited himself with creating a Homunculus out of various human bodily fluids. In Chapter 73, Father lists Hohenheim as one of his potential sacrifices for his planned transmutation circle. His departure from Resembool was part of his search for a means to become mortal, so that he could age and die with Trisha, Edward, and Alphonse (meaning, ironically, that he missed the end of her life and their childhoods), although he also left when he did largely because he realized at last just what 'Father' was planning to do with the country. It was the Homunculus who gave Hohenheim his name and helped him gain freedom and immortality (at a great cost). His character is mild, soft-spoken, vaguely guilt-ridden, prone to making an idiot of himself, and immune to embarrassment. His love extended to the point where he was willing to sacrifice himself in order to bring back Alphonse. Hohenheim is a tall, rather well-built man, standing in at least six feet tall at first glance. Before leaving, he warns Pinako Rockbell to leave the country for her safety. Also knowing that Dante was out there, somewhere, he assumed that staying in hiding would, perhaps, make her vanish for good. Envy- Created by Van Hohenheim to replace his and Dante's son, he is a little trickier to figure out. As a result of this knowledge, Hohenheim becomes his master's assistant and his life greatly improves. During the process, Homunculus used Hohenheim's blood within him to create a humanoid husk body to serve as his mobile vessel before parting ways. He appeared as a black, shadowy orb with one large eye and a very wide smile. He was a father and husband, but estranged from his sons. He wears his long, golden-blond hair in a loose, shoulder-length ponytail with two or three loose strands of hair falling over his brow and sports a full Donegal-style beard on his square jaw. Only his "son", the enigmatic "Father", is capable of rivaling his power. In the original manga and the Brotherhood version, the original Homunculus is a mysterious being created from the blood of Van Hohenheim. Van Hohenheim was not always a free man. 40: ‘Homunculus’ (Dwarf in the Flask) ‘Well…how about Van? Hohenheim eventually returns to Resembool and finds that his home has been burned down. He then tells her that he shouldn't have returned, as he no longer has a home to return to. His past is fairly murky, save for a few key moments shown in the series. Hohenheim performed a human transmutation on his son, which, in turn, failed, producing the first-ever Homunculus, Envy. I need some way of getting allies that can understand the gravity of the situation and that actually stand a chance against a Homunculus." Izumi suddenly begins coughing, spewing out a little blood from her mouth. He is the estranged father of Edward and Alphonse Elric. As a youth, he was the twenty-third house slave of a renowned alchemist in the King of Xerxes' personal employ and was known simply as "23". She also states that if Hohenheim was around, then Edward and Alphonse wouldn't have attempted to bring Trisha back. That takes some power off of him. Hohenheim's ten-year absence after leaving the Elrics is never clearly explained in the first anime series. Edward then remarks that Hohenheim had the nerve to show up in Resembool after all these years. With nearly four centuries of life experience and Alchemical study acc… [6], While traveling to the mountains, Hohenheim senses Father restricting alchemic transmutations in Central. Father later uses his stone's powers to … Father has gone by multiple names including, The Philosopher of the East, The Dwarf in the Flask, and The Good Gentleman. Most of his past is kept under wraps, save for a few key points, revealed quite late in the series. nationality He wore gray clothing during his time as a slave. However, Homunculus eventually lost control over the power he had absorbed and was defeated. Van Hohenheim was currently a slave to a xerxian alchemist that used hohenheims blood as an experiment to create an elixir of immortality, which was the royal decree issued by the then-xerxian king as depicted in the episode. Fictional characters with accelerated healing, https://manga.fandom.com/wiki/Van_Hohenheim?oldid=31189. Now, Father divided his Stone to create the Homunculi. Sig complies and leaves. This cunning creature spoke to Slave #23 one day and gave him the name Van Hohenheim, along with the secrets of alchemy. He was able to reassemble himself, however, and emerge on the other side, in London, and eventually becomes an advisor to Winston Churchill. He has been described as "very handsome" by several women over the course of the series. Pinako angrily asks if what they created wasn't even their mother, and tells chastised Hohenheim for asking the question. Edward tries to deny Hohenheim's accusation, but Hohenheim continues to remark that he is simply running away from his mistake. Dwarf in the Flask, Homunculus, or Father is the Homunculus who caused the downfall of Persia by manipulating it's king Xerxes, allowing him to absorb half the souls of Persia's denizens, with the other half residing in the sole survivor Van Hohenheim. Hohenheim is a fairly tall, broad-shouldered gentleman with the appearance of a man of relatively healthy middle-age. He's rather gentle and weary, and soft-spoken as well, which is most likely due to the extensive amount of time spent alive, under his assorted burdens. The homunculus presents the King of Xerxes with what it claims is the secret to immortality. Izumi turns away from him, suspicious of his motives, but Hohenheim assures her that he's not one of "those alchemists", and also tells her that he knows Xingese healing arts. The resulting reaction nearly caused Hohenheim's death, but out of love and concern for her lover, Dante used the stone to attach his soul to another man's body. They are each named after one of the Seven Deadly Sins and their personalities, appearances and/or powers seem to reflect the sins after which they are named. Approximately four hundred years prior to the series, Hohenheim created the first Philosopher's Stone (it is implied that at least two were created, one in the city under Central and the other from the lost civilization in the east), using people captured in a witch hunt and those dying of the plague. Homunculus created a fleshy shell in his benefactor's image as a result to hold his newly vast essence and gain mobility while giving an unwilling Hohenheim the rest. In Chapter 67 it is revealed that he has or is the philosopher's stone. I am Van Hohenheim, an alchemist in my own right now. However, Hohenheim is unaffected by the bullet and scolds the bandit for shooting him. Hohenheim is a fairly tall, broad-shouldered gentleman with the appearance of a man of relatively healthy middle-age. He had explained to Trisha shortly before his departure that he was leaving to do research of some kind, but never came back. Hohenheim then asks Pinako if he can take a photograph of him, Trisha, Edward, and Alphonse with him, as it is the only photograph of the four of them together. Sig frantically searches for her medication, but Hohenheim stop, requesting him to bring his car. He is a ancient and extremely powerful alchemist and a survivor of the destruction of Xerxes. Hohenheim replies that he is a monster. Hohenheim is disappointed, but decides not to press the issue. [3], In the Rockbell home, Hohenheim passes by Edward's room while he's sleeping. I now serve the King, but I believe that is because Homunculus said something to him or my old master to persuade them. Edward doubts that Hohenheim understands his reasons, but Hohenheim remarks that he does understand. As a 'gift' for helping him and being the source of his life, Homunculus also rebuilt Hohenheim's body into an immortal one. https://fullmetal-alchemist-database.fandom.com/wiki/Van_Hohenheim?oldid=4948. He also was very curious guy, wanting to know what freedom was like and wanted to learn alchemy. Lastly, the homunculus tells Hohenheim that it can give him knowledge. It's not known if Dante and Hohenheim were actually ever married, but their relationship produced one son who died of mercury poisoning. Hohenheim thanks Izumi for taking care of Ed and Al, and expresses some regret that he left them without being a real father to either of them. His stone however, is far greater than that of any of the Homunculi, as their Stones came from Father's Stone, which is the same size as Hohenheim's. Homunculi's power was further weakened by Scar activating a reverse transmutation circle, one theorized and designed by his brother using Homunculus's circle as a base, allowing the assembled alchemists to counterattack. Toward the climax of the story, Hohenheim joins Ed, Al, and their comrades in stopping Homunculi's plan to sacrifice Amestris's citizens to become "perfect". Father tricked Van for immortal life by sacrificing a whole country of people, and took his appearance and created all the homunculus. Paracelsus , born Theophrastus von Hohenheim (full name Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim ), was a Swiss physician, alchemist, lay theologian, and philosopher of the German Renaissance. After the King creates a massive transmutation circle around Xerxes, the circle is activated, with Hohenheim and the homunculus secretly in its center. One of the passengers then asks what Hohenheim is, also confused about what just happened. [7], While traveling on a train, after dreaming of his past in Xerxes, Hohenheim wakes up to Izumi Curtis, traveling with her husband Sig Curtis. Hohenheim's blood had been used in the creation of the creature, the first homunculus. He preferred for his sons to not follow in his tracks, as he viewed himself as a monster. Pinako is confused by Hohenheim's question, and Hohenheim asks if any specific physical traits were similar to Trisha's. Here, he meets Winry, confusing her for a woman named Sara. Hohenheim, once human, is immortal, and, as he later tells Izumi Curtis, is a "Philosopher's Stone in human form". Izumi then says that Hohenheim should have had a real talk with them before he left, but Hohenheim disagrees, saying that he was too ashamed. Pinako replies that it's the parents' job to scold their children, meaning that Hohenheim should be the one to do so. A proverbial light bulb ignited above Hohenheim's head. [5], The stagecoach is suddenly ambushed by bandits, who subdue the driver. Each of the Homunculi have their own natures and their own unique talents and abilities. That which we’d almost caught runs away again, but now, there’s nothing to be afraid of anymore. As of late, we've been talking about the massacres of villages on the outskirts of Xerxes. He has been described as \"very hand… Hohenheim explains even though he cannot return her lost organs, he arranged her remaining internal organs to improve her blood flow, and tells her that she mustn't die yet. It's from here on out that the two jump from body to body, living on, and obtaining a so-called eternal life. Izumi asks Hohenheim what he is, and Hohenheim replies that he is a human Philosopher's Stone. As Hohenheim leaves, Pinako asks him to return to Resembool occasionally to visit them for a meal, but after Hohenheim leaves, he remarks that he can no longer eat with them again. His distance from his family was the reason why Edward blamed him for his mother's death, since she died while waiting for Hohenheim to return from his journey. Interestingly, Hohenheim addresses the souls in the Stone he takes from his body by name. As a Human Philosopher's Stone, Van Hohenheim's body is capable of the same level of miraculous regeneration as those of the Homunculi and as such, he has been rendered incapable of death or even aging - having been preserved in the prime of life and health for roughly four hundred years. Edward Elric (son) Alphonse Elric (son) Trisha Elric (spouse, deceased). He also wears spectacles over his golden eyes, though whether or not he needs them is unknown. He says that Trisha knew that he had the body of "a monster" yet still cared for him. I carry Homunculus's flask everywhere now and we talk as we once did. In ancient Xerxes, he was known as "slave #23," but the dwarf in the flask gave him a more proper name: Van Hohenheim (which was the second half of an even longer name). Van Hohenheim The reason why he is named Envy, maybe because Hohenheim envied others for not being cursed with knowing about immortally and not having to outlive his son or not being able to pass it onto his son. Hohenheim informs Edward that Pinako explained that he and Alphonse performed a Human Transmutation. Hohenheim rubbed his chin thoughtfully. Much to Izumi's horror, Hohenheim rams his hand into her abdomen, causing her to cough up more blood. He gets Envy to bite down on him, killing him and using his own blood and Envy to activate the gate. Edward then tries to leave, insisting that he can't visit Trisha's grave while he's angry, but Hohenheim begins to follow him, explaining that the Rockbell home is the only place he can return to now.
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