And again, a number of materials you’ll be buying are enough to make a ridiculous amount of washes — if cost is a big concern, get a couple of friends to contribute and none of you will have to buy washes for years. A. Info. Shopping. "Sludge wash" = get a big brush and literally slop it all over the model, wait a bit ( the time depends on the kind of was used ) then wipe it off. There are also dozens, if not hundreds, of “homebrew” wash formulas all over the wargaming & modelling forums. Les Bursley is an extremely talented painter who puts out fantastic YouTube videos that share his painting methods. A few years ago Games Workshop introduced the Citadel Washes, which work brilliantly (but, like all GW products, are a bit expensive). 1. Many painters have a standard “go-to” wash that they treat models with before painting, in order to make the details “pop” a bit, which makes picking them out easier during painting. Tap to unmute. Apply to surface detail covering the entire surface. I would usually use a label maker for this but I ran out of label tape — a Sharpie will do in a pinch. Share. Thanks for your honest opinions! Close the bottle, then shake to mix it. My enamel washes based on turpentine continue damaging the paint finish despite my best efforts to protect the pain finish (coats of Future, etc.). It's hard to remove when applied over a gritty finish. How to make my own acrylic wash? I only use acrylic clear coats. Just make sure the surface you apply the wash to is smooth. Acrylic or oil are for more advanced modellers Step 1 - make sure your model has all the desired primary colours applied along with their decals. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. I used disposable pipettes with graduated marking on the side to measure the ingredients. (The standard “gunk” mixture that I keep on my desk and use to thin all my paints is a 50/50 mix of Future & water). Future has recently been rebranded as “Pledge with FUTURE Shine Floor Finish” (which led to a rash of panic attacks on the scale modelling forums — don’t worry, it’s the same stuff as before). View our, Tools, Techniques, and Reference Materials. Remove from raised areas with a damp cloth or paint brush. 2. > The original version of this can be found on Paul’s site The versatility of Model Wash makes the product equally useful for a quick shading as for the creation of caked dust and dirt around the details of the model, such as rivets and panel lines. In this case the base paint is epoxy and neither an enamel or acrylic wash will damage it. Great post and excellent choice of topic. Other than that, an oil wash should be applied over a layer of gloss varnish, or perhaps satin varnish, as that gives your miniature a smooth surface for the wash to flow over and once the oil wash has dried another layer of matte varnish is applied over the model to preserver the wash and to mute … At around £5 for a bottle they’re not individually expensive but the cost mounts up and given the amount of actual paint in them is tiny this is surely something that can be done cheaper. My answer to this was, as it always is, use a wash. Learn how your comment data is processed. It does take a little bit of trial-n-error to get the paint/water ratio...I usually start with maybe 10% paint...if that's too much, just dump a little out and add more water....not enough, dump a little out and add more paint. What is it made of. The matte medium we talked about earlier; “Heavy” black wash: 60 drops black ink per ounce of stock, “Soft” black wash: 20 drops black ink per ounce of stock. If I remember correctly, it was six or seven pounds for a bottle, but again, one bottle should be enough to last you for years. Copy link. I bought mine at Michael’s. The choice of acrylic gloss clear is worth explaining. You can also subscribe without commenting. By signing up you may also receive reader surveys and occasional special offers. Airbrushes: Thin the acrylic mixture with acrylic medium and water to achieve the correct consistency for using with your airbrush. A while back he shared his wash recipe and answered many questions about it in this thread at DakkaDakka. You can see how it makes the details much more apparent, and it also gives you the advantage of “pre-shading” the crevices — this prevents the “dirty” look that can happen if you get too enthusiastic while washing an already base-coated model. Oil wash: A weathering technique in which artist's oil paint is thinned with a large quantity of thinner and applied to a model. Stir. Tiny Terrific Track Tweaks : how to make your track work look better. The wash generally has the viscosity of water. One thing to do prior to overall wash weathering is to emphasize boards in wood parts of cars. This version comes from the recipe from an article on Dr Faust’s Painting Clinic. For the green, I just used an empty Citadel pot that I had on hand. First, make up a 10:1 mix of distilled water & flow aid. It includes a step-by-step guide on how to apply a wash. Thanks again, Andy. You have been warned. The Ultimate Glossary Of Model Railway Terms, Air Drying Clay: 7 Tips To Help Make Better Models,…, The definitive guide to making model scenery. I would recommend inks over paint for these washes, as they seem to give better results. I use mainly Tamiya paints for most of my painting, so I put a gloss coat (Future) down before application and let it dry/cure for at least a few hours. An acrylic wash is made by thinning paint with a lot of water. This makes it much more likely that you’re going to be able to replicate that colour you mixed a few weeks ago when you notice a spot you missed on the underside of a model …. In over 290 model builds over the last decade, these have served me well with no problems. Sealing the surface with Testors glosscoat or dullcoat protects against all but really hot solvent washes. It also provides a comparision between a traditional ‘mix-it-yourself’ oil paint wash and ready made enamel wash from ‘MIG Productions’. These are all little things, but things that really can make a difference in how a model looks. I find that it can be useful, and is worth keeping a bottle around. It's a ripoff. Q. have had good results mixing some future into the mix - not much, like 10 to 20%. Or is it diluted enough, that it's not an issue? To provide a suitable surface to apply the decals on. Acrylic Washes are easy to use. Make Wash Flow Evenly to Avoid Rings. I went ahead and made up several batches of this wash: Here is the wash after being applied directly to a white-primed model to give you an idea of the effect: You can see how the wash settles into the crevices but has little effect on high surfaces. One thing they all seem to have in common is using acrylic floor wax as an ingredient. It helps to apply a layer of gloss coat (oil or acrylic based) first. I’ve long admired the work of miniature painters and am very pleased that artist Paul Roethele (the man behind the lead head blog) has kindly given permission to run his guide on making your own washes here on Model Railway Engineer. I make my own acrylic wash from water, Tamiya acrylic paint (black, brown or gray) and dishwashing soap in a by-eye mix of about 10:1:1. Have you see the post on Acrylic paints by Davie? Watch later. Here I’m going to talk about some of the more popular homebrew washes, how to make them, and what they can do for you. "pin wash "= use a tiny brush and dot it on a panel line so it will run into the line, then wipe off the excess. How to wash your Model easily - Tamiya Panther Ausf A 1:35 - YouTube. Q. Just like Fermis wrote! As it dries, if there is any dirt in the water, it leaves small rings when it dries. To participate you must either login or register for an account. All are based on prototype photos, and are part of the effort to reproduce what is seen there. Painted the plastic model with acrylic paint which came out great. I do this for two reasons. A key thing to keep in mind is that acrylics dry faster, giving you less time to work. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with this. So we recently had a question in our group(The NJSOBs) about how to paint bone on Warmachine/Hordes models. The wash medium, that makes up the bulk of the wash (usually water); And a surfactant (something that reduces the surface tension of water). How to wash your Model easily - Tamiya Panther Ausf A 1:35. (If you look at Les’ models, it’s awfully hard to argue with the results). The wash will last forever and even if it dried out completely you just have to add warm water and it’s fine. I employ filters and panel line washes that are both acrylics and enamels. I then filled the rest of the 8-ounce bottle with matte medium, for a 50/50 ratio of matte medium and water/flow-aid mixture. There are a lot of people who claim to have discovered the perfect “magic wash” — they make it sound like all you have to do is basecoat your model, slop on their “magic wash”, and collect your Gold star. I also bought an assortment of empty plastic bottles & jars for this wash — since it’s more of a pain to make, I make up a batch of the “stock” to keep around so I don’t have to do it very often. Thinning reduces both the amount of acrylic and pigment in the mixture. Washes are an indispensable tool for most painters. If you … As you follow through the steps below, you will see that I always seal the final paint scheme on my models with an acrylic gloss clear finish. If you have any suggestions for techniques you used in war gaming and work for layouts drop a line and I’ll be happy to cover them too. ). I basically added paint to some room temp water, brushed it on, and wiped lightly with a paper towel. Paul uses them extensively on his gorgeous miniature figures but the techniques works just as well for locomotives, rolling stock and buildings of model railway. Washes are an invaluable model painting aid that when applied to selective parts of a model with a small brush and allowed to flow along recessed lines and around detail area. Water beads into droplets. It is clay based with natural colouring pigments and a few things to help the wash to be applied and removed from the model. That's why I paint my plastic models with acrylics and then use oil paint washes which work much better for me. To seal and protect the paint scheme from the panel wash process. To make your desired wash, just fill a container with the wash stock and add the ink in the following ratios: I currently use a black wash than any other colour, so I made a large batch. This tutorial sets out the theory and practice of using a paint wash to improve the appearance of a scale model. Most washes have three basic components in common: For years, painters used a basic wash of water + paint + dish soap to achieve this. When a wash dries you end up with widely dispersed pigment particles settled down into and on the painting surface, with … This is why I am wanting to combine acrylic with enamel. There are no man made chemicals in the wash. 3. You can also add more matte medium if you want the consistency of the wash to be thicker, or more water if you want it to be thinner. To make this wash, the recipe is: 1 part paint (I used Citadel Chaos Black); 3-4 parts matte medium; and 3-4 parts water. Brushes: Choose the right brush for your painting task and the thickness of the paint. This will make it much faster to mix your paints and allow you to spend more time in the application phase. Would the Future make this application much harder to wipe away the excess? Home » Model Making » How to make your own model washes. I use cheap craft paint, water, and a couple drops of dish soap. When I was working at a Games Workshop retail store, we were in a mall and therefore required to open at 9AM, but very few gamers came in before 4:30 after school let out and later when people got out of work. Most of the time, it only takes three ingredients to make a wash: Thinner – The best thinner for water-based acrylic paint or ink is water (almost all well-established model paints or inks use water-based acrylic mediums, e.g., Games Workshop, Vallejo, Army Painter, P3, Scale 75, Reaper Paints). For gloss coating, I use Future/Kleer, and for satin and matte coats I use Vallejo acrylics varnishes. However, the arcylic wash cannot be alcohol based because the goddamned alcohol damages the paint too. All comments and critique welcomed. Despite what I said earlier about oil-based paints being the go-to paints for weathering models, acrylics make nice washes, and are often the best choice because the harsher thinners used to make enamel washes can damage the base layer of paint, whereas the water in acrylic washes is harmless. Make sure that you are using chalk pastels, not oil pastels. I have had poor results with acrylic washes so I don't use them. Keep going until the water/paint mixture is runny. To do this, I took a 2-ounce bottle and a ruler and marked off measurements: I filled the bottle 9/10ths of the way full with distilled water, then added 1/10th flow aid. I also keep a small notebook in which I write down wash recipes & paint mixes. Required fields are marked *. Posted by MonsterZero on Sunday, March 19, 2017 3:18 AM My enamel washes based on turpentine continue damaging the paint finish despite my best efforts to protect the pain finish (coats of Future, etc. For a good wash, esp for beginners like me, it was suggested that I try out water colours, or poster colours. It’ll be in the supermarket in the same aisle as the cleaning supplies. Just experiment a bit and see what works best for you - I hope it helps, good luck with your builds and have a nice day. So pleased that two hobbies seem to blend together seamlessly. The surface tension of the dilluted paint can cause diluted paint washes to dry unevenly, leaving rings of paint or splotchiness. We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. Now I'm doing a light grey wash to simulate mortar. An acrylic wash on the other hand is usually made with a mixture of acrylic medium and water. I'd just like to add one bit - some people (including me!) If you spill this all over the carpet, or on your favourite shirt, or the cat, IT IS NEVER COMING OUT. This should be available at art supply houses or craft stores. 2. I moved over from war gaming to model trains as the modeling and painting are where my interests lie. I regularly … While they're not that amazing, they do work well, and are especially a good tool for gamers who just want to get their models to tabletop standard as quickly as possible. I am getting back into modeling now and just want to avoid a repeat of this if possible. Fill the remainder of the bottle with distilled water. Check out the video for the down ‘dirty on how to create an acrylic wash. We’ve broken down each step for you below: • You’ll need a canvas, cup of water, palette (paper plate is fine), a large paintbrush, and one color of acrylic paint. You will need to gloss coat your model thoroughly first so the wash don't stick. The scale modelling community has been singing the praises of Future Floor Polish for years — those in the wargaming community seem to love it or hate it. Don't subscribe Now that I have shown you how to thin your acrylic paints and why it is important, let’s touch upon how you can improve your skills to get the paint thinness you want consistently. If you’re interested in primers, read my post on using enamel primers with acrylic paints now. Acrylic wash layers go undisturbed and unchanged when you add fresh layers to the painting, making acrylic washes a great staple that's affordable and easy to make. The final ingredient is Acrylic Fluid Retarder which slows down the drying time of acrylics and keeps your paint in fluid form when it hits the model and doesn't dry at the airbrush tip or in the air enroute to the model. • Put a generous scoop of paint on your palette. For paint, I only use acrylics. Diluted paint acts the same way. Be sure to label all your bottles so you know what’s in them. I used disposable pipettes with graduated marking on the side to measure the ingredients. Try a "sludge wash" made with the acrylic paint and a bit of liquid detergent or soap. All One is straight black, another is mostly raw umber with a little black in it, and the last is raw umber with tan(leaves a dusty look...kinda!). Step 1 Measure and pour 5 milliliters of acrylic paint into a 1-oz. Oops.). For this recipe, I used an empty 1oz bottle also available from eBay. But the wash really crazed my paint, in fact it was so bad that I just discarded the model. don’t try to mix it, just enough to get some of the oil drawn into the turpenoid. Thanks Chris, there are a lot of shared techniques between war gaming and model trains. You want the standard liquid matte medium — not the “gel” version. You should end up with a very light wash. Once you get that wash in, you switch to tray A. Stir the brush lightly in the puddle of turpenoid around the paint blob…. Be advised that this wash is a bit of work to make and requires some expensive components, but just about everyone who has tried it has raved about it. Bare metal foil + acrylic clear coat: acrylic wash (acrylic paint + water + drop of dishwashing liquid) The pictures below show the application of a chalk wash to a model painted with acrylics, then gloss-coated with Future floor wax (clear acrylic). I keep 3 on hand. (I get mine from eBay). Once the brush is … Best thinner is odorless mineral spirits. There are a lot of people who claim to have discovered the perfect "magic wash" - they make it sound like all you have to do is basecoat your model, slop on their "magic wash", and collect your Golden Demon. I did this twice and poured the mix into a larger 8-ounce bottle I had bought. 1 part paint (I used Citadel Chaos Black); and your choice of pigment. I’m Andy, welcome to my multi-award winning website for model making where I share the best tips, inspiring photos, comprehensive guides and stories from my adventures in making miniature worlds, model railways, and mini painting. I added my stock to a 2oz. Obviously “drops of ink” is not going to be a consistent measurement when you’re dealing with different manufacturer’s inks, bottle droppers, etc., so you’ll want to play around with these to get the colour you want. Replies to my comments MRE uses cookies to give you the best experience on our website. It also enhances the flow, but then again the dish soap is also intended to do that. A gallon of distilled water meanwhile costs a few pounds at the grocery store, will give far better results and will last you forever. For this recipe, I … This is what allows the wash to settle down into the crevices of the model, rather than “pooling” on the surface. While they’re not that amazing, they do work well and are especially a good tool for painters who just want to get their models to a good standard as quickly as possible. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. To use this wash, just brush it liberally on a white-primed model. Lesson learned). (I get mine from eBay). Use distilled water when mixing your washes. The washes are also used as a filter, applied in a uniform manner on the model to modify the base color. plastic jar and then added the ink. I want to try acrylic wash next. (I used Formula P3 & Vallejo Game Color inks). The create a look of depth and shadow where the depression and detail (hinges, rivets, mortar joints etc) are too small to create their own natural shadows. Thinning Acrylic Paints for Models and Miniatures . Take a look now if you haven’t already. Washes made from Fluid Acrylics and water brushed over dry cotton canvas and canvas pre-wet with water and a few drops of Wetting Agent. Thanks for a great post Andy! I see that as not being a problem when the wash is applied and just left to dry, and that is that. While some people claim that washes are a “beginner’s crutch”, in my opinion, washes can often accomplish shading with as good as, or even better results (in some cases), than tediously painting many layers. It's like when you wash and wax your car. (Don’t forget about gravity, either — I should have laid this model down when I washed it, which would have prevented so much of the wash from running down & off the model. (In hindsight, I do not recommend using this type of jar for the washes — when you shake the jar to mix the wash before using, the wash gets into the threads of the jar, then the matte medium dries and gums up the threads. [MRE note: In the UK, the equivalent can be found at]. It’s kind of pricey ($20 for a sixteen-ounce bottle), but if you sign up for Michael’s email newsletter, they’ll email you a 40% off coupon.You can also buy an eight-ounce bottle for half the price if you’re so inclined. The problem, however, is that washes tend to be expensive. After use, run a mixture of soap and water through the airbrush to remove all paint traces. Your email address will not be published. Many still use just that, and it can work well. You could have all kinds of funky chemicals and/or mineral deposits in your tap water. Can the acrylic wash be water based?I don't want to pay AK Interactive $30 for 3 small bottles of wash. I was so dissapointed with it that I ended up not building another model for years. One that I’ve tried and had good luck with is that from this article by Ron Vutpakdi. Any further suggestions for efficiency or a general "recipe" for a wash using acrylics? Let dry for 15 minutes. If you paint with enamels then make the wash from acrylics. When I do a panel line wash though, I blob some on the wing...rub it around with my finger, let dry, then wipe away the excess with a damp cloth, leaving the wash only in the panel lines. Our community is FREE to join. bottle. (An employee at one of the larger paint manufacturers told me that the person in charge of formulating their paints absolutely hated it, and their exact quote was “I will not make my paint play nice with your floor wax”). It's hard to remove when applied over a gritty finish. Warning** This stuff is several orders of magnitude more permanent than anything you’ve painted with before. Dip your brush into the water and dribble water into the paint. Here’s a shot of a miniature wargame Space Marine Librarian with just a primer coat (on the left) and after the wash (on the right). Acrylic wash be water based? I do n't use them I my. Panther Ausf a 1:35 how to make acrylic wash for models YouTube it ’ s in them wash formulas all over the wargaming & modelling.... 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