The Basilosaurus is the newest sea creature added into Ark: Survival Evolved from the 254 update. your own Pins on Pinterest Let's take a level 150 basilosaurus. The Basilosaurus is a large whale-like mammal that lives in water. Each of these points are assigned to a random stat. The Basilosaurus Blubber can be found on a dead Basilosaurus by looking in its inventory before harvesting it for meat and hide or in a bag left on the ground if harvested before accessing the inventory or when eaten by other predators. 1 Basic Info 1.1 Behavior 1.2 Appearance 1.3 Color Scheme and Regions 1.4 Drops 1.5 Base Stats and Growth 2 Combat 2.1 General 2.2 Strategy 2.3 Weaponry 2.4 Dangers 2.5 Weakness 3 Notes 4 Gallery 5 References Place Mistletoe or Coal in GachaClaus' Inventory. This creature is so easy to tame. When I spawned in South zone 3 I found this guy stuck on a rock next to the surface. (Rank #1 in Health = highest Health creature.). Even if you don’t have the saddle Engram for it you can use it as a way to get free oil . BASILOSAURUS IS THE MOST OVERPOWERED SEA CREATURE?! I was riding my ichthyosaur clover and I saw this thing near the shore somewhere, I thought is was a mosa at first , it didn’t attack my though so that’s good. It shares physical similarities with Orcas and Baleen Whales such as the H… Larger mounts can have their bodies angled towards a poison shot as to prevent it from hitting you. But all of a sudden as I'm approaching the last bit to tame it, the taming bar starts rapidly decreasing with no explaination (Took about a minute to decrease back to zero). Ratings out of 5. Basilosaurus Blubber. Thx in advanced for help and sorry 4 my bad english I just tamed my first Bas, even though dododex stat calculator is for PRE-TAME, I still use it for POST-TAME to see if it's Average, High, or Very High. ARK: Survival Evolved. The Castoroidesis a giant species of beaver found commonly in the rivers and ponds of the island's interior. In the deeper water caverns like tinytemper says. I wann bread my basi, but didn´t findinfos about it. Hi guys! GachaClaus is one of the Event Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved. Items. Like so low level ppl can see. The Achatina spends its days slowly moving on its large muscular foot, leaving a slime trail; and it pays little attention to everything around it as it grazes on small plants and mosses. ← Back to Dododex. Feb 27, 2017 @ 10:17am Basilosaurus are immune to? It can also be obtained in ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile but currently it's of no use. Megalosaurus ︎. The Basilosaurus is a dolphin-like creature that primarily dwells along the shallow areas of the ocean. Fala galera ajude na divulgação do canal; De um Like e mande o Link para seus amigos. Commands. Dododex is the first iOS companion app for Ark: Survival Evolved. It says 14880 HP is Average, and 355 Melee is over Very High. I went and killed some dodos and that my friends is how I tamed a basilosaur before a dodo. Is 355% Melee okay for a Basilosaurus after tame BEFORE leveling? Translations: Basilosaure, Basilosauro, バシロサウルス, 바실로사우르스, Базилозавр, 龙王鲸. Ark Survival Evolved: How to spawn a Basilosaurus This is a how to video showing two different ways to spawn your own Basilosaurus In Ark Survival Evolved. For full Basilosaurus ta; Baby basilo & alpha leedsichthys! The creature drops oil, hide, raw prime meat and basilosaurus … Mobile App users need to view this page in a browser to use the map fully. Only slowly but the damage is there! It has the ability to keep survivors warm or cool. Como Ter Itens TEK no Ark Survival Evolved PT BR - Duration: 33:53. Apr 2, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Jodashi Jackson. :D (Probably also Tuso's, but despite my hours of looking ive never come across one anywhere) Elevate your ARK: Survival Evolved game with the Dododex taming calculator and companion app used by over 5 million ARK players. With their powerful jaws and sharp incisors they can gnaw through many of the trees found throughout the island, … After that he eats from "food-loadder"? Do think of a solid strategy of killing mantas and maybe eels before attempting to tame it. ARK: Survival Evolved Taming Calculator on difficulty 5 (max level 150) they will spawn up to level 180. Basilosaurus Blubber is used as tribute to summon bosses. When I spawned in South zone 3 I found this guy stuck on a rock next to the surface. I lost 6 sharks 1 spino 3 dolphins trying to tame it.... Not at the same time tho. It has a long snake-like body that undulates through the seas of the ARK like the sea serpents of folklore and its head is like a crocodile, full of sharp teeth. For full Basilosaurus taming details, get the taming calculator app. Even a low level takes hours to tame with therizino kibble. Do think of a solid strategy of killing mantas and maybe eels before attempting to tame it. Collected from 40,000+ Dododex users. Dododex provides a comprehensive and frequently-updated guide for every creature in ARK: Survival Evolved, including taming calculations, kibble and saddle recipes, stats, timers, knock-out information for any weapon, as well as original tips and … I've got a question about the Basilosaurus. From ARK: Survival Evolved Wiki. To tame easy just get sarco and saddle, whoosh past the basilo and feed at same time rinse and repeat. How long it will stay in "baby-phase"? Pregnancy. Contribute. Its a level 145 Male and I've spent about an hour taming it (I'm on singleplayer and have taming set to times 3 and no mods installed.) All you need is: I found that you can use sarcos or itchys to tame these creatures just hit one of the rays and lure them away then after the very long first to second feeding after that it takes like 15 seconds to feed again. Discover (and save!) g Calculator. Dododex's stat calculator will calculate how a wild creature's stats were distributed in Ark: Survival Evolved.. How Stats Are Distributed in Ark. ARK: Survival Evolved. Basilosaurus Breeding. plus if u have suba gear and googles u can see them from pretty far. Basilosaurus ist eine der Kreaturen in ARK: Survival Evolved. ... Basilosaurus fighting Me and my friend just tamed one and were wondering what other aquatic critters we can kill with one. I just tamed a 140 and before i go yolo onto eels i would like to know if they are immune to eels, jelly and theuso grabs? All you need is: I found that you can use sarcos or itchys to tame these creatures just hit one of the rays and lure them away then after the very long first to second feeding after that it takes like 15 seconds to feed again. This creature is so easy to tame. Tools . 3rd Party Tools. In ARK: Survival Evolved, the Basilosaurus eats Exceptional Kibble, Therizinosaurus Kibble, Raw Mutton, Raw Prime Meat, Cooked Lamb Chop, Cooked Prime Meat, Raw Prime Fish Meat, Raw Meat, Cooked Prime Fish Meat, Cooked Meat, Raw Fish Meat, and Cooked Fish Meat. Cluster. If I had gathered all the battle forces it could have worked. hours. (Rank #1 in Health = highest Health creature.). Ratings out of 5. Not sure what you're looking at? PedroArmindo - EuSouAndroid 4,851 views. ARK: Survival Evolved > General Discussions > Topic Details. Achatina is one of the few truly docile creatures on The Island and other maps as it will flee, though albeit at a very slow pace, unti… Collected from 40,000+ Dododex users. Good fighter, immune to jellies, supernatural healing boost at the surface, produces oil in its inventory, impervious to squid grabs, looks kinda cute too, only one bad thing about it: it gets squashed in the deep! 5d 3h 40m 36s. Ark taming basilo Basilosaurus Taming Calculator Dododex Ark: Survival Evolve . Since it's said to take a certain amount of damage once it reaches deeper waters, I'm wondering how that is effected by level and/or difficulty, given that most of people seem to play on 150 max. Please help keep these commands up-to-date. Hide. It's only level 22 at the moment though which wasn't helped by us losing our megalodon trying to kill the stupid zerg of mantas around it. level and I'm playing on a low difficulty because we have a bunch of freshies with us that have 0 idea of the game. Now the ark gamepedia says it takes roughly 10 (!) ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is now doubled, meaning 1× is as fast as what 2× was previously.Dododex has been updated to reflect this. They have a chance of 5% to spawn instead of their normal counterpart. I was riding my ichthyosaur clover and I saw this thing near the shore somewhere, I thought is was a mosa at first , it didn’t attack my though so that’s good. If I had gathered all the battle forces it could have worked. - Ark: Survival Evolved [S4E34] W/ SYNTAC PREV.Nitrado are the Official Server Hosting Company for Ark and provide great service for a … In Ark: Survival Evolved, a creature is given a stat point for each level. See the Spawn Map Instruction Manual for help. 7h 56m 11s. Oil. Collected from 40,000+ Dododex users. What does a Basilosaurus eat? but id like to also help out by adding that there can be basilosaurus high up near the ceiling of the cave, and there tends to be alot less jellyfish and eels that high up. It is a passive creature in Ark and will remain passive unless provoked. Good fighter, immune to jellies, supernatural healing boost at the surface, produces oil in its inventory, impervious to squid grabs, looks kinda cute too, only one bad thing about it: it gets squashed in the deep! You can now support me on Patreon!Learn More » Dododex. In ARK: Survival Evolved, the Basilosaurus eats Exceptional Kibble, Therizinosaurus Kibble, Raw Mutton, Raw Prime Meat, Cooked Lamb Chop, Cooked Prime Meat, Raw Prime Fish Meat, Raw Meat, Cooked Prime Fish Meat, Cooked Meat, Raw Fish Meat, and Cooked Fish Meat. Admin Commands Dinos. It also appears at the Hidden Lake. According to Dododex it takes roughly 24 minutes to tame one with therizino kibble. To tame easy just get sarco and saddle, whoosh past the basilo and feed at same time rinse and repeat. 5:33. How long takes the hole timr froim breedting to finished? :< < > DOMAR DINO 15X MAIS RAPIDO + NOVO MAPA+ DODODEX | ARK MOBILE ABRIL - Duration: 5:33. For full Basilosaurus taming details, get the taming calculator app. So as the title suggests I've been taming myself a Basilosaurus for sea adventures. * Rank of the Base Stat of the Basilosaurus vs. all other creatures. Using the Taming Calculator, you can estimate how long it'll take to tame almost any dinosaur as well as … Even if you don’t have the saddle Engram for it you can use it as a way to get free oil . Jump to: navigation, search. 5Der Basilosaurus kann nicht ertrinken. Note: Be sure the Basilisk is set to passive. He will walk around, then sit and eat it and crystals will … I lost 6 sharks 1 spino 3 dolphins trying to tame it.... Not at the same time tho. Only slowly but the damage is there! Use the "presets" dropdown for common multipliers. All Basilosaurus Blubber Tips. To see the GPS coordinates, point your mouse to a dot or square. Raw Prime Meat. The Basilosaurus is a dolphin-like creature that primarily dwells along the shallow areas of the ocean. 1 Appearance 2 Behavior 3 Domestication 3.1 Taming 4 Trivia 4.1 Trivia not relevant for the game 5 Gallery 5.1 Fan-made 5.2 Official 5.2.1 Gameplay Images 6 Videos 6.1 Spotlight TBA TBA TBA TBA Basilosaurus was officially revealed by Susan Claire on March 24, 2016. Drops. Tek Creatures are a variant of normal Creatures that were added permanently as part of the Extinction Chronicles event (exception being the Tek Triceratops, which was released as part of Genesis). Like so low level ppl can see. Mar 4, 2016 - Castoroides taming calculator for Ark: Survival Evolved, including taming times, food requirements, kibble recipes, saddle ingredients. I went and killed some dodos and that my friends is how I tamed a basilosaur before a dodo. Tek Creatures spawn at a 20% higher level, i.e. The Basilosaurus is a large carnivorous (piscivorous) aquatic mammal found in the oceans of the Ark. Translations: Basilosaure, Basilosauro, バシロサウルス, 바실로사우르스, Базилозавр, 龙王鲸. It has waterproof fur and a flat tail for swimming. Total Time (PREGNANCY to Adult) 10:01 AM. NEW This tool is open source. What does a Basilosaurus eat? The Basilosaurus is not actually a reptile despite its name, but a whale or cetacean. Also kill three mantas or kite them away if your creature can't take them on while chasing the basilosaurus. Hi! The bigger the green circle tbh, i used the wiki to find the damn things, they r rare, but not like quetzal rare. It has the ability to keep survivors warm or cool. * Rank of the Base Stat of the Basilosaurus vs. all other creatures.
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